What the World Says

As a leading speakers bureau, our work frequently gets published in the media!

We work with a fantastic PR company who works hard to publish our work in high value publications. Together, we collaborate to write industry leading content and conduct our own research, to further showcase our depth of knowledge of the world of keynote speakers.

In September 2023, we commissioned a survey to learn more about the state of UK business as we transition to the post-Covid era. We surveyed 500 owners and directors of businesses with more than 100 employees to understand the priorities and challenges facing these companies today.

Many writers and journalists have since quoted our results in fascinating articles, some of our favourites can be seen here:

Our Favourite Publications

Where has Nick been featured?

Our MD, Nick Gold, has been in the industry for many years and is certainly an expert in the world of event speakers.

As an industry leader and business owner, Nick frequently gets approached by journalists looking for comments and quotes on newsworthy business developments. See below for a small selection of his features and other articles:

"Reframe recession as an opportunity rather than something to fear...."
"One year into an economic crisis which has seen record rates of..."
"The tech industry has been on an upward trajectory over the last few years..."
"We can all agree that reputation management is a big challenge for..."
"UK firms prioritise reputation management over employee development, according to recent research..."
"A study released by the UK’s leading speaking bureau, Speakers’ Corner, today found that most UK business..."
"The cost-of-living crisis is driving a wedge between employers and their staff..."
"Like all significant speeches, the coronation speech offers invaluable lessons and insights for brand leaders..."

Our Media Press Package

Press Pack Download

What Our Clients Say

We work with clients in almost every industry imaginable, sourcing speakers for event agencies, businesses, conference organisers, award planners and everything in between!

We have access to speakers in every niche you can think of. No matter how specific your event is, we guarantee that we have the perfect speaker to help share your message in a meaningful and memorable way.

Speakers Corner (London) Ltd,
Ground and Lower Ground Floor,
5-6 Mallow Street,