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Economy & Finance Speakers

From market disruptions and rapidly shifting economies, our selection of expert finance and economic speakers share key trends that will help you navigate changing markets and predict the future of finance.

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Total results: 152
C   C: £5K - £10K   Baroness Ros Altmann is an independent expert on pensions policy, investment banking, savings and retirement.
C   C: £5K - £10K   A mobile financial services expert, a master of metaphor and an engaging storyteller, Roy Vella advises players large and small on how to deliver remarkable experiences through their mobile efforts.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Rupert Pennant-Rea has had a varied career as economist, journalist, central banker and businessman. He is a knowledgebale and impressive keynote speaker.
AA   AA: £25k +   Sallie Krawcheck is the former Bank of America and Citigroup executive and has encouraged the presence of women in business. Sallie is recognised as one of the most senior women on Wall Street.
POA   POA: Contact Us   Sally Bundock, a globally recognised BBC presenter, covers major economic events and advocates for work-life balance, while also contributing to radio and influential part-time work discussions.
D   D: £3K - £5K   Experienced TV news presenter Sasha Qadri is a moderator of events on the impact of digital disruption and how businesses are reacting to the rapid pace of digital change in a technology-driven society.
A   A: £15k-£25k   Scott Bales is a global futurist, innovation & digital strategist, serial entrepreneur and TEDx speaker.
A   A: £15k-£25k   Harvard trained economist Sebastián Piñera, a businessman-turned-politician, was Chile’s first Conservative president in decades.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Simon Jack is a financial journalist, broadcaster, and the BBC's Business Editor. He is also currently the Business and Economic Correspondent on Radio 4’s Today programme.
D   D: £3K - £5K   Sony Kapoor is a prominent economist, financial sector expert and development practitioner
C   C: £5K - £10K   Stella is an entrepreneur, investor and human rights and inclusivity advocate. She is founder and CEO of pirkx, a disruptive force in the global employee benefits industry providing affordable wellbeing benefits.
B   B: £10K - £15K   For over a decade, Steph McGovern has been one of the most recognisable faces on TV, reporting on business and finance from around the world; from international summits to small business success stories.
POA   POA: Contact Us   Conference facilitator and keynote speaker on global and domestic economic issues, Stephanie Flanders is J.P. Morgan Asset Management's chief market strategist for the UK and Europe.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Steven Cochrane, economics speaker, is managing director of Moody’s Analytics, and an international expert on regional, industry and international trends.
POA   POA: Contact Us   Susannah Streeter is a leading broadcaster and financial commentator who has anchored flagship BBC business news programmes on TV and radio and hosted major summits, conferences and events around the world.
D   D: £3K - £5K   A business and general news presenter for the BBC, the banker turned broadcaster Tanya Beckett calls upon her in-depth knowledge of finance and sales as an excellent conference facilitator and awards host.

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