Stephen Fry in Warhorses of Letters

14 January 2014

Awards host , Stephen Fry is starring in Radio 4’s romantic comedy ‘Warhorses of Letters’, a romantic comedy about the horses that belonged to Napoleon and the Duke of Wellington.

Stephen plays Napoleon’s horse and Daniel Rigby plays the horse belonging to the Duke of Wellington, the two horses are divided by war and the story is told through the letters that they send to each other. In the story the letters have been found in the British Library in the slipcover of a book about the history of Blenheim Palace.

According to the British Comedy Review ‘Warhorses of Letters’ is ‘a unique and very different comedy…really entertaining - with excellent dialogue, delivered perfectly by the two stars.’

The romantic comedy can be heard every Sunday until the 2nd of February on Radio 4 at 7.15pm.

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