The Ultimate Ranking of Christmas Movie Quotes
It is that time of year again: eating three mince pies at 9.30am is totally acceptable, combusting into spontaneous carolling is welcomed with open smiles and festive film-watching is mandatory. Yes, that is right, the Yuletide is here, Christmas is upon us. This also means it is time for the aforementioned Christmas films. The month of December is a 31-day period of bliss, in which watching elves prance on your screen and Scrooge’s Ghosts of Christmas coming to visit becomes standard practice - despite however many times you’ve seen all those classic scenes before.
So, we scrolled through all of our old favourites and picked out the ultimate ranking of Christmas film quotes. From the ones that bring you that festive feeling to the timeless classics. We hope you enjoy our top ten list.
1. Love Actually
Sam: “Truth is…I’m in love”
2. The Grinch
3. It’s a Wonderful Life
Clarence: “Every time you hear a bell ring, it means that some angel’s just got his wings”
4. Santa Clause
Neil: “What about Santa’s reindeer? Have you ever seen a reindeer fly?”
Charlie: “Yes!”
Neil: “Well I haven’t!”
Charlie: “Have you ever seen four million dollars?”
Neil: “No…”
Charlie: “Just because you can’t see something, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.”
5. Scrooge
Ghost of Christmas Present: “There is never enough time to do or say all the things that we would wish. The thing is to try to do as much as you can in the time that you have. Remember Scrooge, time is short, and suddenly, you're not there any more.”
6. The Nightmare Before Christmas
Jack: “My dearest friend, if you don’t mind… I’d like to join you by your side. Where we can gaze into the stars and sit together. Now and forever. For it is plain as anyone can see. We’re simply meant to be.”
7. The Muppet Christmas Carol
Kermit: “The world’s got a shine today. The world’s got a glow. There’s no such thing as strangers when a stranger says hello.”
8. Miracle on 34th Street
Kris Kringle: “Christmas isn’t just a day, it is a frame of mind.”
9. Bad Santa
Thurman Merman: “I know there’s no Santa. I just thought maybe you’d want to give me a present ‘cause we’re friends.”
10. Home Alone
Kevin: “Merry Christmas ya filthy animal”
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