6 Top Tips for Office Wellbeing
When you’ve been working from home for a while, readjusting to the office environment can take some time. So as more employees head back to the office — even just part-time — it’s important to consider and prioritise workplace wellbeing.
To help you adjust to the office return, we’ve asked our team to share what helps them feel happy, settled, and productive at work. Here are their top tips for office wellbeing.
1. Take regular breaks to stretch your legs
“Sitting for a long time isn’t the best for your health — or your mood,” says Moe, the Speakers Corner finance manager. “Regular movement and stretching is essential.”
Studies show that a ‘sit less, move more’ work approach can boost efficiency and productivity. So employers should encourage people to take regular breaks to get up and move around.
“Stepping away from the buzz of the office and glare of the screen gives you an opportunity to think,” says Poonam, our executive assistant. “This helps create a calmer, more engaged workforce, and embeds a culture of mindfulness in the workplace.”
2. Get organised
Tidy desk, tidy mind: it may seem like a platitude, but a little organisation can go a long way to helping you feel more at ease in the office.
“As a marketer, I need to keep up with trends, plan things ahead, and react to events quickly,” says our social media manager Lucy. “So I try to be organised. Do whatever you see can be done first and leave yourself some space to respond to the unexpected.”
Organisation doesn’t just help you feel prepared — it contributes to a better working environment for your colleagues, too. Poonam says, “The office is a shared space. If we all look after it, we’ll enjoy coming in more often, it will look nicer to external visitors, and we’ll take more pride in our work and office.”
3. Get comfortable
Comfort in the workplace looks a bit different from comfort at home (even the most casual dress codes don’t usually extend to wearing pyjamas to work). But it’s still important to make sure you’re comfortable while you work — especially if you’re hot desking.
“Take an extra few minutes to properly set your workstation up for the day,” suggests Michael, our head of events management. “Adjust the chair to your liking, and get your screens where you prefer them, so you’re comfortable and able to focus. In a few short minutes, you’ve made a hot desk your own space. Your back will thank you for not spending the day in someone else’s chair!”
Comfort is essential for your mental and physical wellbeing — but it also helps businesses, too. According to Moe, “These tips will improve staff mood and productivity, and make the office a more comfortable place for them. Happier, more productive staff means better performance for the company.”
4. Socialise with your colleagues
The social element of returning to the office can be worrying — especially for introverts. But socialising with co-workers can boost productivity and career progression, so take the time to have a chat with your colleagues when you can.
“Human connection is essential,” says Lucy. “We spend about 8 hours a day working, or sometimes more. Talking to your team can give you ideas to solve problems, while sharing fun stories might help relax your mind.”
Joseph, our event manager, agrees. “I think working in a place where everyone is happy and friendly is conducive to us all being productive.”
“Socialising helps build a close team in which people care about each other and trust each other,” Lucy adds. “So mingle with your colleagues — they won’t bite!”
5. Share your stresses
Wherever you work, problems and stressful situations are bound to crop up every so often. If you’re in the office, you can share your problems with your co-workers.
“Have a chat with someone if you’re stressed,” says Joseph. “For me, this is [one of] the best ways of managing my stress levels.”
Mental health has become a priority for businesses since the pandemic. Managers have learnt how to better support staff mental health — so you don’t need to be worried about sharing your worries or concerns with people at work.
“We all have our own issues. Whether you want to admit it or not, it sometimes affects our productivity at work,” adds Lucy. “Talking to your colleagues or managers may stop you stressing out if they start questioning your performance.”
6. Set your own schedule
Flexible working has become an established part of work culture, regardless of where you work. So even when you return to the office, employers should support staff to retain some flexibility over their work schedules.
“Having non-pressured start and finish times — within reason — shows that everyone is trusted to manage their time,” says our event manager, Lois. “It gives staff more flexibility, and a better work-life balance. The company might initially feel that less work is being done, but productivity will actually increase, as people can work to what suits them.”
Studies suggest that flexible working doesn’t compromise productivity, and it can actually reduce work-related stress and boost job satisfaction. So it’s important to continue giving employees some freedom over their working hours.
“It gives you a sense of taking control of your own schedule,” agrees Michael. “This is what I need to get done; where’s the best space to excel at that? I’m trusted to work from wherever will best deliver the right outcomes.
“Companies benefit from a happier team, as people feel empowered to make their own decisions about where they can best perform their duties.”
How to support staff for better office wellbeing
Returning to the office can bring out many different emotions in staff. Some will be delighted to return; others may be less enthusiastic. So as businesses, you need to help staff readjust to office life. Following these tips from employees themselves can ensure your staff feel happy and valued in the office, promoting productivity and office wellbeing.
You can also elevate your mental health support with a health and wellbeing speaker. Speakers can show staff how to take action to prioritise their workplace mental health, without compromising their output.
Take a look at 6 of the best wellbeing speakers to help employees practice self-care while readjusting to office life.
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