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Total results: 1421
Meet The Team
We sat down with one of the newest members of our team, Poonam to talk about her wonderful travels, her feline friends and what her dream dinner party would look like!
Would you put your life in the hands of your team? We ask the expert on teamwork and motivation, with a flare for adventure and bringing awareness to environmental issues, Steve Backshall our burning questions.
With an emphasis on sustainability and flourishing their eco-friendly credentials, feel inspired as we delve into the architectural experts concreting our sustainable future.
A journey from Moscow to Margate, spanning media, politics, global affairs, the arts and third sector, we had lots to ask former New Statesman Editor John Kampfner
We have pulled together a collection of entertainers wowing audiences with their sleight of hand, illusions, mind-reading and humour. A wonderful option to entertain the crowds as they eagerly await to find out who has won the awards for the year!
We interviewed financial expert Jasmine Birtles to discover just how, and why, she manages to make complicated financial language so simple and easy to follow.
Book Club
Embarking on 3 very different journeys, the Speakers Corner readers this month followed Martine Wright, Lewis Pugh, James Cracknell & Ben Fogle as they persevered through adversity.
Following a life-changing near-death experience, Phil Olley made the decision live his most fulfilled life ever, and help others achieve theirs.
We are blessed with having some incredible philanthropists in our little book of contacts who dedicate their life to fighting for those who are unable to. Read their stories here!
Meet The Team
Our logistics coordinators are a special breed in the Speakers Corner family who keep the show running no matter what adversity is thrown their way.
On a mission to bring humanity back into business, Chris Barez-Brown specialises in reconnecting people with their inner genius and who they truly are.
An expert in building successful businesses and a dragon on BBC's Dragons Den, James Caan is well placed to give expert business advice and gave us some of his top tips.

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