C: £10k-£15k

David Blanchflower

A former member of the Monetary Policy Committee and Professor of Economics at Dartmouth College, David Blanchflower is equally conversant with policy movements and personalities at the Fed, the BoE and the ECB. As a keynote speaker, David makes sense of the latest economic data, providing expert analysis on the decisions facing political and business policy makers.

Not only did David Blanchflower foresee the scale of the recession months before the eventual impact, he attempted to do something about it. He was the one Bank of England executive who consistently argued in favour of dramatically lower interest rates. He was the first policymaker from the Bank, Treasury or Financial Services Authority to warn that the UK faced recession and the possibility of house prices falling by a third. Blanchflower has decided against taking up a second three-year term on the MPC; the Bank of England will be the weaker for his absence.
Daily Telegraph
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David Blanchflower is an authoritative and data-rich business and economics keynote speaker, who was a member of the MPC at the Bank of England.

He writes an economics column for the Independent in which he comments on a range of issues, including Britain's decision to leave the EU and its impact over the coming years.

David Blanchflower was appointed the Bruce V. Rauner Professor of Economics in 2001 at Dartmouth College.  From 2006 – 2009 he was a Member of the Monetary Policy Committee at the Bank of England.   In the Daily Telegraph Great Britons of 2008 awards David was named 'Business person of the year.'

David came to Dartmouth College from the UK as an Associate Professor with tenure in 1989 and was subsequently promoted to full Professor and eventually Chairman of the Department of Economics and Associate Dean of the Faculty for the Social Sciences. 

David was previously a Research Officer at the University of Warwick and a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the University of Surrey, both in the UK.  He is also currently a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA and a Research Fellow at both CESifo at the Centre for Economic Studies at the University of Munich in Germany and The Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) at the University of Bonn in Germany.  He has recently been appointed the Program Director for the 'Future of Labor' Program at the IZA.

David has served on a commission of three foreign experts appointed by the government of Sweden to examine the workings of the Swedish labor market.  He has given evidence on a number of occasions to committees in both the House of Commons and the the House of Lords as well as to the Congressional Budget Office Panel of Economic Advisers, House and Senate Committees in the State of Maryland and the Chicago City Council.  He has testified as an expert at trial on a number of occasions.

David’s research includes labour market studies for the British Department of Employment and the Department of the Environment; the US Department of Labour; the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris, France and the International Labour Organisation in Geneva, Switzerland.  He has also acted as consultant to advise on the setting of pay of executives for both the Farm Credit Administration and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve.  David has advised on labour market issues for a number of private sector firms in the US including Microsoft and Visa and in the UK such as London Electricity and Tesco.  He has acted as a consultant on the effects of globalization on the US economy for the US Federal Trade Deficit Review Commission.

David obtained his BA in Economics from the University of Leicester, England, M.Sc. from the University of Wales, and a postgraduate teaching certificate from the University of Birmingham, England.  He taught in schools and local colleges for five years before returning to university to pursue graduate studies.  He obtained his PhD from the University of London.  He was awarded an honorary M.A. from Dartmouth College  and was also made an honorary member of Phi Beta Kappa in recognition of "high attainments in liberal scholarship."

Additionally, he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Letters (D.Litt.) for 'services to economics' at my alma mater, the University of Leicester, in the UK.  In 2009 he became an honorary Doctor of Science (D.Sc.), at Queen Mary, University of London.

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David is a former member of the Monetary Policy Committee (2006-2009), he is the Professor of Economics at Dartmouth College and a key commentator on world economics. He was named the 'Business person of the year' by the Daily Telegraph, in their Great Britons of 2008 awards in December 2008.  
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