An Interview With John Straw

1 January 2012

What is the next big thing technology wise coming our way that is going to significantly impact the way we live?

For sure artificial intelligence will dramatically change our economic and business models. AI changes everything - from disease identification and cure to self-driving cars to anticipation and suggestion of everything from fashion to music.

How much resource should businesses be directing at keeping ahead of the disruptive technology in their industry?

Significant IT resource needs to be ring-fenced - and CEO's need to get their heads around the implications of big data (everyone knows what it is but few seem to know what to do with it)

When working with Thomas Cook, what did you find were the main challenges in getting a traditional travel agency to adapt to a multi-channel approach with online working in tandem with the physical shops?

Building a bridge between offline and online worlds and getting the 50+-year-old retail people enthused about the convergence.

What websites do you check every day and why?

I use sophisticated AI based "reader" called Feedly on my iPhone that feeds me stuff I'm interested in (AI, 3d printing, big data, virtual reality, startups, economics) from about 30 publications

Aside from your day job, what gets you out of bed in the morning?

I'm seriously dyslexic so I'm able to think in big pictures - I normally wake up with some form of vision in my head. I'm still kickboxing at 56 (sorry correction I'm 39 of course) so that does get the energy focused in the morning.

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