An Interview with Tanni-Grey Thompson

1 January 2012

Do you have any funny/embarrassing speaking anecdotes you care to share?

Yes, I sometimes chat about my appearance on Mastermind or the Weakest Link.

How did the corporate speaking/presenting start?

I did some non-paid work before 2000, then after the Sydney Paralympics of 2000 I started to do more paid engagements.

Can you remember your first corporate event?

It was for Lloyds Bank and I did a 10-minute slot for 3 consecutive days.

Tell us a bit more about it please?

I was one of a team of athletes who were to give inspirational anecdotes to sales teams.

Which corporate event has been your favourite to date and why?

I spoke for Zurich Assurance in Newport. The audience was lively and connected with lots of energy.

On average, how many corporate events do you do a year?

How do you like to be introduced?

I have a short introduction DVD of my racing career, it’s just long enough usually for me to enter and take my place on stage.

Do you always like to do a briefing call before the event?

Yes, I find it helpful.

What are the most asked for topics?

Inspirational and motivational messages.

Your favourite film?

I love Star Wars.

Favourite book?

Harlen Coben, Promise Me.

Favourite holiday destination?


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