Identify the Future of Your Global Business with Experts on International Affairs
The current uncertainty in the political climate (dare I say the B word!), is posing many questions for businesses across the globe. But uncertainty can also lead to opportunities, which is naturally derived from expert knowledge.
Investigating the global interconnectedness of politics, economics and law, international affairs experts can provide the ground-work for identifying new markets, or solving existing problems in the current climate. We have rounded up a selection of experts on International Affairs to help bring reason to a time of uncertainty.
As the Chairman and Editorial Director of IMA India, Adit Jain is a leading political and economic commentator on business corporations in India. Advising potential investors wanting to put money into the country and an expert on international business strategy, Adit's combined expertise make him a great choice to educate audiences on emerging markets in South Asia.
Augusto Lopez-Claros was the former Chief Economist and Director of the Global Competitiveness Program at the World Economic Forum. An expert in the growth and development of global interdependence and cooperation, with other key areas include the importance of international institutions in their principal role of promoting and safeguarding human prosperity. Augusto engages audiences on topics from economics and competitiveness to international development.
During his time as the Governor of Hong Kong, Lord Chris Patten oversaw the handover of Hong Kong to China in 1997. Other prolific titles include Chairman of the BBC Trust, Chairman of the Conservative Party, and was involved in setting up the Good Friday Peace Agreement in Northern Ireland. A proficient speaker on emerging markets and international affairs, Chris draws on his vast experiences to educate audiences.
Former President of Colombia, Cesar Gaviria is an advocate of democracy and defender of human rights. Elected twice as the OAS Secretary General, sitting on the board of Oceana as well as serving as vice-president at the Club de Madrid. Cesar has insightful knowledge on topics that cover leadership, human rights, conflict resolution, drug control policies, economic integration, as well as political, economic and social perspectives.
David Daokui Li is the Professor of Economics at Mansfield Freeman and Director of the Centre for China at Tsinghua University. A prominent economist, David is a leading authority in international, particularly Asian markets and was chosen by Wall Street as one of the ten most influential economists in China. A financial expert and highly knowledgeable in his field, David delivers exceptional and relevant keynotes on finance and economics and international affairs.
Former President of Mexico, Ernesto Zedillo promoted democratic social reforms, aiding Mexico on its journey to multilateralism. A leading voice on globalisation, Ernesto is the director of the Centre for Study of Globalisation at Yale University and is adept in managing both economic and social crises. A thought-provoking political speaker, Ernesto is extremely intelligent and a champion of social responsibility and engages audiences on a wide range of topics and issues.
Florence Eid is the Founder & CEO of Arabia Monitor, a research firm that studies the economies and financial markets of the Middle East & North Africa region. Florence can analyse the markets of Arabian countries by utilising macroeconomics indicators. Also the President of Arabia Advisors, an affiliated investment firm, Florence's sharp knowledge of market trends makes her well placed to discuss economic and financial issues on the corporate circuit.
The Former Spanish President and a social democratic politician, Felipe Gonzalez made incredible progress for Spain, overseeing economic growth and bringing Spain into the EU during his time. An incredibly innovative politician, Felipe shares stories of his time in the most powerful position in Spain, enlightening and educating audiences on his political career, ideas of democracy, the economic environment, equality and diversity and environmental issues.
A leading authority within the areas of geopolitics, cyber risk, and information security, Hagai Segal delivers fascinating content that is highly pertinent in a time of economic uncertainty. Relating complex international matters to businesses, he anticipates key consequential causal chains affecting economic patterns, and discusses topics including the global geopolitical climate, Middle East geopolitical influences and security.
Douglas Alexander brings decades of knowledge to contemporary issues of European economic and foreign policy making following his time as former U.K. Minister for Trade, Investment and Foreign Affairs, Governor of the World Bank, and Minister for Europe. With extensive experience at high levels, Douglas has a deep understanding of how current affairs affect businesses, speaking with authority on subjects which can help companies to map out their future during turbulent economic and political times.
This collection packed full of global speakers could be the insights you need to pave your way for businesses through the international economic uncertainty. But not only that, they will entertain, engage and educate any audience!
For further information or to book one of our speakers, call us on +44 (0)20 7607 7070 or email info@speakerscorner.co.uk .
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