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Total results: 1417
Since her meteoric rise into the public eye, Ellie Simmonds has dominated her sport, winning 13 World titles and 10 European titles, while breaking various World records along the way.
We're running the very first Speakers Corner showcase at Confex North with Daisy McAndrew, Katie King, Adam Kingl and Anne-Marie Imafidon.
Innovation itself is often born from an eclectic and diverse employee base, who approach problems from different angles to create unique solutions. Let's have a quick peek at some of the leading female innovators currently sharing their experiences on the corporate circuit!
Speakers Corner will be at the Meetings Show again in 2019. This year, our MD, Nick Gold, shares why Content is King.
We start off the year full of optimism and vigour, yet market forces, organisational change, team culture, new strategies etc can throw us off course. When this happens, we need to reset the equilibrium. We need a ray of sunshine, a bright spark, an inspirational message, a story to rally behind. A motivator.
The requirements a modern day leader needs to be successful are evolving. We sat down with leadership expert Chris Roebuck to find out more.
This month I’ve decided to share a few books that are on my reading list, written by some of the incredible people we get to work with. So, if like me, you enjoy finding a little spot in the sun and enjoy diving into a great book, then I hope you enjoy this month’s reading list.
When you picture a high school drop-out, not many people picture a successful entrepreneur, working their way up from the bottom to create an empire, but this is exactly what Ricky Walters has done.
If you enjoy a good belly laugh, then here are some of the best comedic talent in the country who reduced the crowd to fits of laughter.
We caught up with founder of Coffee Republic, Sahar Hashemi, to talk about retaining start-up culture... forever!
Sarah believes the first person to walk on the planet Mars is already at school, so let's find out just how close we are to ordinary humans travelling into space...
No two days are the same, but there are certain similarities. Here in London, where the SC Towers are based, we spend hours every week commuting. If there’s one thing our working lives can guarantee in the city, it’s tube time. We analysed different commuter activities so you can find out what kind of traveller you are.

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