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Awards Hosts & Presenters

Showing recognition and appreciation to your employees is fundamental to building a healthy team and business culture.

Award ceremonies are the perfect way to celebrate your employees’ achievements and acknowledge that the individuals within your business really matter. Although your award show may not be on the same scale as the Oscars, ensuring that it’s an unforgettable experience for all your attendees is crucial.

Hire a Celebrity Awards Show Host for Your Next Event

Whether you are a business looking to recognise and celebrate employees and their work internally, or you are organising an external awards ceremony for a wider sector – hiring a celebrity awards host will ensure your guests go home happy!

Inviting a celebrity speaker to be your awards show host won’t only add a touch of glamour to your event, it will also entertain and excite your guests – both in the lead up, during and after the event.

To hire a celebrity event host for your next awards ceremony, give our friendly team a call, and they’ll be happy to share their expertise with you.

Total results: 390
E   E: < £3K   Sports presenter for SBTV and Gaff. TV’s roving presenter, Andy Shepherd is one of the most promising, prolific and creative TV hosts in the UK.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Angela Scanlon is an Irish television presenter and broadcaster for RTE and BBC.
B   B: £10K - £15K   The One Show's Current Affairs correspondent Anita tackles the latest issues affecting the nation - whether that is encountering victims of forced marriages or investigating the difficulties facing the over 65's in the workplace.
D   D: £3K - £5K   Former British tennis champion and one of the best known British sports personalities on television today.
B   B: £10K - £15K   International Ballroom Champion and star of BBC's Strictly Come Dancing, Anton du Beke is a fantastic awards host and presenter.
A   A: £15k-£25k   Armando Iannucci is a comedian, writer, director, performer, radio producer and Oscar nominee. A great after dinner speaker and awards host.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Ayesha spent 9 years guiding senior party leaders in Government and the Opposition. Now igniting an old flame, she has gone back to her days of stand-up, combining hilarious anecdotal tales with a forceful political message.
C   C: £5K - £10K   One of the finest Irish boxers, Featherweight Champion of the World Barry McGuigan is now a renowned boxing commentator on television & radio.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Formerly Top Gear's The Stig, and Daniel Craig's stunt driver in James Bond, Ben won the 2010 24 hour LeMans race, and is an exceptional after dinner speaker and awards host.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Ben Fogle is a former Royal Navy Reservist turned broadcaster, has hosted numerous wildlife and adventure programs, travelled to over 200 global locations, written nine bestsellers, and engaged in extensive physical challenges.
C   C: £5K - £10K   England rugby international and World Cup winner, Ben Kay, with his ready wit and intelligent analysis of sport is an unbeatable motivational and after dinner speaker.
D   D: £3K - £5K   Football journalist and author Ben Lyttleton understands what we can learn about the most important aspects of work and life from the world’s most popular sport. He understands how football has adapted and innovated in the search to get the best from individuals and teams, and how that translates to business.
B   B: £10K - £15K   Ben Miller is an English comedian, actor and director. He is best known as one half of comedy double act Armstrong and Miller, with Alexander Armstrong. Miller is also known for playing the lead role in the BBC Crime Drama, Death in Paradise.
B   B: £10K - £15K   Sport fanatic, TV presenter and awards host extraordinaire, Ben Shephard is one of the most familiar and best loved faces on UK screens.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Bennett Arron is a BAFTA-shortlisted comedian turned identity theft expert, using his unique experiences and humour to educate on cyber security and fraud prevention.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Brendan has appeared in all the series of BBC’s Strictly Come Dancing, winning the first series in the Spring of 2004. Brendan makes a fabulous awards host.

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