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Awards Hosts & Presenters

Showing recognition and appreciation to your employees is fundamental to building a healthy team and business culture.

Award ceremonies are the perfect way to celebrate your employees’ achievements and acknowledge that the individuals within your business really matter. Although your award show may not be on the same scale as the Oscars, ensuring that it’s an unforgettable experience for all your attendees is crucial.

Hire a Celebrity Awards Show Host for Your Next Event

Whether you are a business looking to recognise and celebrate employees and their work internally, or you are organising an external awards ceremony for a wider sector – hiring a celebrity awards host will ensure your guests go home happy!

Inviting a celebrity speaker to be your awards show host won’t only add a touch of glamour to your event, it will also entertain and excite your guests – both in the lead up, during and after the event.

To hire a celebrity event host for your next awards ceremony, give our friendly team a call, and they’ll be happy to share their expertise with you.

Total results: 390
A   A: £15k-£25k   Star of Television & Film, James Nesbitt brings that bit of showbiz to any event.
E   E: < £3K   Author, curator and broadcaster James Sherwood is a charming and erudite speaker on fashion and luxury.
A   A: £15k-£25k   Jamie Redknapp is a former professional footballer, Sky Sports Pundit and columnist.
D   D: £3K - £5K   With her unique mix of hilarious mimicry and sharp satire, Jan Ravens is one of the UK’s most successful impressionists.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Jasmine is a British TV personality, money expert, speaker and writer who manages to mix finance and comedy into "a kind of laughing stockbroker!"
C   C: £5K - £10K   Jason Bradbury is the host of Channel 5's 'The Gadget Show' and is an excellent awards host and consumate presenter.
A   A: £15k-£25k   Award winning comedian and former host of the One Show, Jason is well known for his observational comedy.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Jason Mohammed is one of BBC Wales' most experienced and high profile news and sport presenters.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Award-winning comedian and proud Bristolian Jayde Adams is an uncut gem; a force of nature; dangerous and unafraid; the future.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Jeff Stelling is the legendary presenter of Sky Sports News' football coverage, including Gillette Soccer Saturday. With an incredible memory and attention to detail, Jeff leads his loyal audience through engaging discussions and match reports.
D   D: £3K - £5K   Jenni co-hosted Entertainment Today, GMTV's showbiz entertainment show, bringing live music, movie and TV news from both sides of the Atlantic. Most recently, Jenni has hosted Fantasy Homes By The Sea for UKTV as well as the National Lottery draws for the BBC and the first Scottish Royal Variety Show (STV).
C   C: £5K - £10K   Comedian and awards host Jenny Eclair has been a stand-up comic forever, and was the first woman to win the coveted Perrier Award.
A   A: £15k-£25k   Author, Broadcaster and Journalist, Jeremy Paxman has built his reputation on his tough questioning of politicans and public figures.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Jeremy Vine is known for his celebrated BBC Radio 2 programme, The Jeremy Vine Show. He is also an exceptional keynote speaker, awards host and facilitator.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Jilly is one of Britain's top wine tasters and taught the nation everything there was to know about wine for nearly two decades on Food & Drink.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Jim Rosenthal is one of the best known presenters of television sport in Britain and is an erudite and witty after dinner speaker and awards host.

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