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Total results: 152
B   B: £10K - £15K   Dame DeAnne Julius DCMG, CBE is a widely experienced international economist and former intelligence analyst for the CIA.
D   D: £3K - £5K   Journalist, speaker & conference chair Declan Curry was one of the BBC's most recognisable business presenters.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Dharshini David, the BBC’s Global Trade Correspondent, is a highly experienced broadcaster and economist. With experience as a Government economist before moving to HSBC Investment Bank as their UK Economist, Dharshini is adept at explaining the complex financial world to the public.
C   C: £5K - £10K   An after-dinner and conference speaker, Dominic Frisby mixes the two unlikely worlds of comedy and finance. Bringing a unique edge to the speaking circuit, Dominic is both hilariously funny and incredibly erudite.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Dominique Moïsi is one of Europe's leading geo-strategic thinkers
B   B: £10K - £15K   Former U.K. Minister for Trade, Investment and Foreign Affairs, Governor of the World Bank, and Minister for Europe
B   B: £10K - £15K   Dr. Shirley Yu, began her career working in investment banking. However, it was in 2009, that Shirley joined CCTV (China Central Television) News. Shirley has become a leading figure in Chinese (and world) economy analysis, business entrepreneurship and is also highly-regarded financial host.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Duena is on a crusade to educate the financial sector on the concept of “Emotional Banking”.
B   B: £10K - £15K   A big player in British politics, Ed Balls is best-known for his position as UK Shadow Chancellor from 2011 to 2015, amongst other political accolades, such as his role as education secretary and position as Chief Economic advisor to the treasury.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Eleanor is the Director of Foresightfully, a strategy, innovation and disruption consultancy
D   D: £3K - £5K   Emilie Bellet, a leading UK personal finance expert, champions women's financial empowerment as CEO of Vestpod and author of "You're Not Broke, You're Pre-rich," collaborating with top banks and tech firms.
AA   AA: £25k +   Former President of Mexico who led profound democratic and social reforms; economist and advocate of multilateralism, inclusive globalisation, nuclear non-proliferation and drug policy reform.
D   D: £3K - £5K   The Rt Hon Esther McVey is the Conservative MP for Tatton and current Minister of State for Housing and Planning.
AA   AA: £25k +   The longest standing Spanish President is a sought after keynote speaker. His experiences of the politics & economics for Spain & Europe provides insights for all.
D   D: £3K - £5K   Dame Frances Cairncross is the Chair of Court for Heriot-Watt University. She was the former managing editor of the Economist, an author and has chaired conferences worldwide.
B   B: £10K - £15K   Leading business expert and Schwarzenegger’s former advisor, Gemma Godfrey is a serial entrepreneur and board director. Warm, insightful and a ‘safe pair of hands’, Gemma is a skilful (online) moderator and speaker.

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