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Keynote Speakers

Our wide range of inspiring keynote speakers share their knowledge, expertise and unique stories with corporate audiences. Their skill of weaving in the event’s key message into their bespoke content gives their audiences memorable and tangible key takeaways.

We work with fantastic keynote speakers from every industry and niche imaginable. Our keynote speakers tailor their talks to your specialised area and specific needs, resulting in exceptionally inspiring content for your guests.

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No matter the industry and purpose of your event, our professional keynote speakers are leaders in their craft and are guaranteed to leave your audience inspired, educated and reaching for the stars!

Our wide selection of keynote speakers cover everything you could possibly think of. So, whether you’re after a business leader who can excite your team to smash their targets, a climate change professional to educate on how to live a more sustainable life, or an epic adventurer who can share their unique story to inspire individuals to try something new - get in touch with our friendly and professional team to discuss your options.

Total results: 1040
B   B: £10K - £15K   Elizabeth Linder is the Founder and CEO of The Conversational Century, and was Facebook’s Politics and Government Division Specialist from 2011 to 2016. Specialising in global and digital communications, Elizabeth Linder is the perfect speaker for forward-thinking industries.
AA   AA: £25k +   With a truly inspirational tale of courage and tenacity, Dame Ellen McArthur defied her youth and inexperience to become the youngest sailor to make it around the world in a yacht race.
E   E: < £3K   Ex-fraudster Elliot Castro spent £2 million of other people's money. Reformed by jail time, he now advises major companies on risk and how to avoid being scammed.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Ellis Watson has held top positions at Celdor, where he was behind ''Who Want's to be a Millionaire'', Simon Cowell's Syco, and Mirror Group.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Elsa Sotiriadis PhD, aka The Biofuturist, is a highly sought after keynote speaker bringing emerging technologies and disruptive innovation to audiences across the globe
D   D: £3K - £5K   Emilie Bellet, a leading UK personal finance expert, champions women's financial empowerment as CEO of Vestpod and author of "You're Not Broke, You're Pre-rich," collaborating with top banks and tech firms.
D   D: £3K - £5K   Emma Bache, a graphologist or handwriting expert, delivers a unique addition to any corporate, team-building or after-dinner event.
B   B: £10K - £15K   Emma Barnett is an award-winning broadcaster and journalist. Named Broadcaster of the Year at the Radio Academy Awards 2020, she also presents the Emma Barnett Show on BBC Radio 5 Live and the BBC's flagship news programme, Newsnight, on BBC Two.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Emma Dabiri is on the broadcasting stars of the present and the future. Emma is a broadcaster, social historian and writer presented Britain's Lost Masterpieces on BBC and Virtually History on YouTube
B   B: £10K - £15K   Emma Hayes led Chelsea to numerous successes, including six Women's Super League titles and five FA Cups, and was honoured with an MBE and OBE for her contributions to football before becoming the US Women's National Team Head Coach in 2024.
E   E: < £3K   Emma was diagnosed with Parkinson’s at 29 and is now a resilient advocate and entrepreneur. She is the co-founder of tech start-up More Human, recognised for her impactful campaigns, award-winning fundraising, and a ground-breaking role in BBC2’s ‘The Big Life Fix,’ showcasing the transformative power of technology.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Emma Sinclair - serial entrepreneur, techie, media commentator and the youngest person to have floated her company on the stock exchange.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Eniola Aluko is an accomplished footballer, lawyer, media personality and best-selling author.
AA   AA: £25k +   With her incredible story of taking on the bad guys and winning, Erin Brockovich is an inspirational reminder of the power of the human spirit.
AA   AA: £25k +   Former President of Mexico who led profound democratic and social reforms; economist and advocate of multilateralism, inclusive globalisation, nuclear non-proliferation and drug policy reform.
D   D: £3K - £5K   The Rt Hon Esther McVey is the Conservative MP for Tatton and current Minister of State for Housing and Planning.

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