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Keynote Speakers

Our wide range of inspiring keynote speakers share their knowledge, expertise and unique stories with corporate audiences. Their skill of weaving in the event’s key message into their bespoke content gives their audiences memorable and tangible key takeaways.

We work with fantastic keynote speakers from every industry and niche imaginable. Our keynote speakers tailor their talks to your specialised area and specific needs, resulting in exceptionally inspiring content for your guests.

Keynote Speakers Available for Hire Across the UK

No matter the industry and purpose of your event, our professional keynote speakers are leaders in their craft and are guaranteed to leave your audience inspired, educated and reaching for the stars!

Our wide selection of keynote speakers cover everything you could possibly think of. So, whether you’re after a business leader who can excite your team to smash their targets, a climate change professional to educate on how to live a more sustainable life, or an epic adventurer who can share their unique story to inspire individuals to try something new - get in touch with our friendly and professional team to discuss your options.

Total results: 1040
C   C: £5K - £10K   Farrah Storr is the former multi-award winning editor-in-chief of Elle UK, Cosmopolitan and Women’s Health, seeing unprecedented success under her tenure. She is now head of Writer Partnerships at Substack UK.
A   A: £15k-£25k   Fehinti Balogun is a versatile multimedia creative and acclaimed actor, using his performances to address pressing societal issues, while also leveraging his writing and speaking engagements to drive awareness and positive change, emphasising the transformative power of diverse dialogues and individual empowerment.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Felicity Aston MBE is a pioneering climate scientist and polar explorer renowned for her solo Antarctic ski crossing, diverse leadership in extreme expeditions, and contributions to polar research.
AA   AA: £25k +   The longest standing Spanish President is a sought after keynote speaker. His experiences of the politics & economics for Spain & Europe provides insights for all.
POA   POA: Contact Us   What makes El Bulli worthy of three Michelin stars? And what is it about Ferrán Adrià that makes him one of the best-regarded chefs in the world today?
E   E: < £3K   Florence Adepoju is an entrepreneur, trailblazer and founder of MDMflow, a lipstick brand inspired by the glamour infused within hip-hop music and street culture. With a passion for STEM subjects, Flow is dedicated to driving female participation within STEM and promoting diversity within the beauty industry.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Fons Trompenaars is known all over the world for his work as a keynote motivational speaker, particularly in the areas of globalization and leadership development.
D   D: £3K - £5K   Listed in The Progress 1000 London’s most influential people, Fran Scott is the Science Content Developer at the Royal Institution as well as being the only female science presenter on CBBC.
D   D: £3K - £5K   Dame Frances Cairncross is the Chair of Court for Heriot-Watt University. She was the former managing editor of the Economist, an author and has chaired conferences worldwide.
D   D: £3K - £5K   Frances Edmonds is one of the best after dinner speakers, conference speakers and facilitators around communication and cooperation.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Frank Gardner is the BBC’s first fulltime Security Correspondent
D   D: £3K - £5K   The founder of innovative enterprises SuperJam, Beer52 and Envelope Coffee, Fraser Doherty’s drive and entrepreneurial spirit have made him the successful businessperson he is today.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Co-founder and Community Relations Lead at mySugr, Fredrik Debong is an entrepreneur who set out to solve problems.
AA   AA: £25k +   Frits Van Paaschen is the former CEO of Starwood Hotels and Resorts, and a change management specialist for the turbulent times businesses currently face
D   D: £3K - £5K   Gabrielle’s Hase has an astute understanding of the way in which retailers, technology and high-achieving teams work in the digital world and brings a unique perspective to any event.
C   C: £5K - £10K   Writer, broadcaster and strategist Gabrielle considers the inter-connected scientific, technological, economic and also political aspects of climate change.

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